Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Why Running Helps Keep You Healthy

runningOf all the exercise regimes, running is probably the easiest to fit into everybody’s daily routine and age is no bar. Not only does running help  to keep you healthy but it is one of the most efficient ways of burning up calories and preserving muscle mass.

Advantages of Running

  • You don’t need to go to a gym.

  • You don’t need space at home for exercise equipment.

  • You can run anywhere, at any time and in any weather, except when there is a danger of ice.

  • You can wear any clothes.

  • It’s free.

  • It doesn’t matter whether you have not run for years, it is never to late to start so long as you have the use of your legs!

Disadvantages of Running

  • The only major expense is that you should get a good pair of running shoes

Let’s have a look at why running is so good for you. It is a great way to get into shape for the summer and to stay trim and fit the whole year through.

Even regular runners, when at rest, burn up more calories than non-exercisers at rest.

Running outdoors in the fresh air reinvigorates the mind as well as the body. You will find that not only your physical energy levels will be enhanced but that you will enjoy a feeling of well being that is reflected in having a more positive mood.This is because as you run, the heart is pumping blood more efficiently around your body and your brain.

At the same time it is likely that your mind is at rest from everyday clutter, as you get absorbed into the rhythm of your running, resulting in mental refreshment.

Running is good for your heart as it reduces blood pressure, helps control body fat, can lower the risk of cancer and is excellent for maintaining bone density and lowering the risk of osteoporosis in later life.

It is one of the best exercises for toning and strengthening muscles and there  are few better ways of keeping the bottom and thighs in great shape than a daily run.

If you feel a little hesitant about starting to run, perhaps have read somewhere that the jarring can damage the knees or cause other problems, or just feel that you have gone so far downhill physically that it may be dangerous to start any demanding exercise, now is the time to take heart!

You don’t have to flog yourself until you are ready to drop, a gentle start with a ten minute jog, and walking when you feel like it, can get the heart pumping a little stronger, the breathing a little deeper.

Keep it up for a week and then increase the jog by another minute or two or maybe just step up the pace a little.

As each week goes by increase the time and /or pace by a small amount, as rule of thumb about 10% each week and that way you will soon build up to an effective running regime that will avoid the possibility of overdoing the physical load before your body has time to adjust.

Your knees or ankles shouldn’t suffer as the supporting muscles will be gradually strengthening as you increase your run time but if you feel there may be a problem try to run on a softer surface than tarmac, grass is good, even if for only part of the time.

Try to vary your route, running along the same tracks day after day can become boring if that happens remember that “variety is the spice of life”.

No association intended but research in the US has shown that women who exercise three times a week were likely to enjoy better sex more often.

Finally studies have shown that regular jogging can increase the life span of men and that they are likely to have fewer illnesses as they get older.

Start running to keep healthy, enjoy life, live longer and feel good!

Why Running Helps Keep You Healthy

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